
In V one can define strings using the := operator. Strings (like other variables) are immutable by default. One is free to use "" or '' to denote a string. When using vfmt all double-quoted strings will be converted to single-quoted ones unless it contains a single quote character.

name := 'Bob'
println(name)       // Bob
println(name.len)   // 3

Getting the length of a string works with .len.


It is possible to do string interpolation with $ in front of the variable:

name := 'Bob'
println('Hello $name!')     // Hello Bob!

One can have more complex expressions with interpolation syntax by using ${}:

struct User {
    name string
    age int
bob := User {
    name: 'Bob'
    age: 17
println('Say Hello to a new User: ${}, ${bob.age}')             // Say Hello to new User: Bob, 17
println('${}s age is higher or equal to 18: ${bob.age >= 18}')  // 0 <=> number representation for false


Strings can be concatenated with the + operator.

text := 'Hello'
concatenated_text := text + ' World!'
println(text)                   // Hello
println(text + ' World!')       // Hello World!
println(concatenated_text)      // Hello World!

Appending to a string works with concatenation as well as with += operator. Since strings are immutable by default it is only possible to do this if they are declared with mut.

mut hello := 'Hello '
hello += 'from V!'      // appends 'from V!' to the string stored in hello.
println(hello)          // Hello from V!

In V, string data is encoded using UTF-8 and the string itself is a read-only array of bytes. This makes slicing possible, which means we can access single-character literals or slices of a string variable.

robert := 'Robert'
bert := robert[2..robert.len]                                 // bert
rob := robert[0..3]                                           // Rob
println('The persons of interest are: $robert, $bert, $rob')  // The persons of interest are: Robert, bert, Rob


When using some_string[start..end] syntax the end is not inclusive.

All operators in V must have values of the same type on both sides. The code below will not compile because age is an int:

age := 25
println('age = ' + age)

We therefore need to convert it to string by using .str() or use string interpolation (preferred):

age := 25
println('age = ' + age.str())   // age = 25
println('age = $age')           // age = 25

To define character literals use: `` . Raw strings can be defined as prepending r. They are not escaped.

hello := 'Hello\nWorld'
println(hello)                  // Hello
                                // World
raw_hello := r'Hello\nWorld'
println(raw_hello)              // Hello\nWorld

Last updated

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